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Is the CDU Bastion of Baden-Württemberg Set to Fall?

Kiron KreuterMarch 25, 2011

Baden-Württemberg's CDU State Premier, Stefan Mappus, is currently in a tough position. Among regional leaders, he was the most vocal proponent of nuclear power. Now in the final days of campaigning he has had to explain why he is suddenly in favor of shutting down reactors in Baden-Württemberg. The opposition Social Democrats and Greens have benefited from his turnaround. In state elections on March 27, the conservatives face the very real prospect of losing power in Baden-Württemberg for the first time in decades. That would also have major ramifications at the national level in Berlin.

Baden-Württemberg's CDU State Premier, Stefan Mappus, is currently in a tough position. Among regional leaders, he was the most vocal proponent of nuclear power. Now in the final days of campaigning he has had to explain why he is suddenly in favor of shutting down reactors in Baden-Württemberg. The opposition Social Democrats and Greens have benefited from his turnaround. In state elections on March 27, the conservatives face the very real prospect of losing power in Baden-Württemberg for the first time in decades. That would also have major ramifications at the national level in Berlin.