Skip next section Germany, Ukraine sign reconstruction declaration
June 11, 2024

Germany, Ukraine sign reconstruction declaration

The finance ministries of Ukraine and Germany have signed a joint Declaration of Intent to boost bilateral cooperation to support Ukraine's postwar reconstruction, the Reuters news agency reports.

"We are not limiting ourselves to the form of support that Ukraine needs to win the war," said German Finance Minister Christian Lindner. "We want to contribute now so that Ukraine can set the course for future growth through its reconstruction."

The announcement came as Germany hosts a conference designed to attract support for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction.

The World Bank has estimated that rebuilding Ukraine will require investments of nearly $500 billion over the next decade.

Lindner said the new pact between Berlin and Kyiv was not just about financial resources, but that it also aimed to boost institutions to promote investment and support private companies in Ukraine. 

The declaration does not create rights or obligations under international law.