Forever cult: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The musical comedy "The Rocky Horror Show," which premiered 50 years ago, became a hit film in 1975 — and it still is. The cult film is filled with camp, wit and eroticism to a world-famous soundtrack.
Weird trip from 1975
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" opens with red-painted lips on a black background singing the song "Science Fiction/Double Feature." The cult film of the 70s is based on a weird musical, "The Rocky Horror Show," that premiered on June 19, 1973.
Janet and Brad can't believe what they see
In 1975, Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick were still unknown. Now she's a top Hollywood actress, and he has starred in several TV series. In "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," Janet and Brad, a freshly-in-love young couple, are stuck in the middle of nowhere on a rainy night with a flat tire and knock at the door of a creepy castle. There, they discover a bunch of freaks having a party.
It's just a jump to the left...
The party goes wild dancing the "Time Warp" — until everyone drops. The song is still a classic at parties. The humpbacked butler Riff-Raff and the maid Magenta show Brad and Janet how it's done, with additional visual instructions from the narrator.
Sweet Transvestite
Tim Curry plays the role of the shrill transvestite Dr. Frank N. Furter, a genius in leather straps. He is an alien from the planet Transexual, of the galaxy Transylvania. He also has special powers. That night, he will show his guests his latest creation.
I can make you a man
Dr. Frank N. Furter has created his own creature, but unlike Frankenstein, it is a beautiful man. "Rocky" isn't the most brilliant. Neither was he created to be a great conversationalist. He's there to serve as Frank N. Furter's love toy. However, there are several other interested parties...
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me!
Janet has fallen for Rocky and tries to seduce him singing a song in a sugary voice that leaves no room for interpretation. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" showcases endless frivolities and sexual liberties without gender boundaries. Both Janet and Brad are seduced by the master of the castle.
Janet's teacher, Dr. Scott (at the front) suddenly appears in the castle and interrupts the fun. He also happens to be the father of Frank N. Furter's ex-lover, Eddie, who was killed and whose remains are served for dinner. The handsome Rocky also realizes what's happening - and finally a coup is staged by Riff-Raff and Magenta (left in picture) against the megalomaniac Frank N. Furter.
The new bosses
Riff-Raff (now hump-free) and Magenta take command. They execute Frank N. Furter with a laser beam, then charter the castle back to their home planet. Janet, Brad and Dr. Scott are left on Earth, confused. Thus ends the flashy combination of travesty, rock'n'roll, horror, soft-porn and sci-fi.