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Extreme Tourism

May 7, 2021

Thrill-seeking tourists are being drawn to extreme, life-threatening destinations. Travel agencies specializing in perilous holidays offer organized trips to areas struck by natural or nuclear disasters, and war zones.

Soldat in Afghanistan
Image: Rahmat Gul/AP/picture alliance

We follow one group of tourists as they scale the mountains of Hindu-Kush in Afghanistan, climbing 4000 meters above sea level to ski down this one-of-a-kind slope. In Indonesia we meet another group climbing the active volcano Anak Krakatoa.

Ukraine Region Tschernobyl Sperrzone Prypjat Sporthalle Baum
Image: DW/F. Warwick

In Ukraine, adventurous tourists come from all over the globe to visit the ghost city of Chernobyl, the site of the worst nuclear disaster in human history.



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WED 12.05.2021 – 01:15 UTC
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SUN 16.05.2021 – 08:15 UTC 

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