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DW-WORLD Readers Sound Off on the Iraq War

March 25, 2003

DW-WORLD visitors, both pro-war and against, sound off on the military invasion of Iraq.


I want my German friends to know that 100 million Americans are passionately opposed to this unjust, illegal war. We know that the government of Iraq has no connection to Al-Qaida. We are shocked and outraged at what is happening. Please continue your steadfast opposition to Mr. Bush's foreign policy. The fate of the world may depend on it. Peace and love to all my German friends.

-- John Tanke, New York, USA

God bless the brave militaries of the United States and Britian who are securing peace and freedom not only for the people of Iraq, but also for the people of Germany and the entire world!

-- Charles Hollinger

Some would say, and rightly so, that the German people, of all people, should hail this war. After all, it was a short time ago that young soldiers came across water to a strange country to free oppressed people from a ruthless dictator. A ruthless dictator who, in many ways, shares many of the attributes of SaddamHussein. And yet, instead, what we see are signs that compare Hitler to Bush. We are saddened.

-- Joyce Pemberton, USA

As a world citizen I wonder what the United Nations Organization main role in the world is? I thought it was to maintain peace, but time after time it has proved to be a failure. So, I ask : what is the use of the maintenance of a highly expensive institution that has not been able to succeed? I am afraid that we - simple citizens of the world - have been paying the costs of it, and that we are suffering directly the failure of it. Facing a new war, that - no doubt- will have bad repercussions for us in developing countries ... we feel frustrated knowing that there is nothing left for us to do anymore but expect the worst.

-- Vanda Rosignoli

After literally years of searching I have finally found a site that gives the German perspective on the world. Until now I have had to depend on the American media's reinterpretation of the German perspective to get an idea of what was a German perspective on issues. This lack of English language sites seriously harms Germany's ability to moderate and influence American public opinion. If the leading German publications would freely provide "American English" versions for Americans to read, then perhaps Germany well-thought out view of the Iraqi crisis would be getting the respect it deserves by Americans.

-- Johnny Morales

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