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World in Progress: Who pays for climate damage?

November 10, 2021

As the world is struggling to keep global warming at bay, the issue of who pays for the fallout of climate change is one of the major sticking points in negotiations at the UN climate conference in Glasgow. Sarah Steffen reports.


Poorer countries hit hardest by climate change want compensations for loss and damage to be included in climate finance talks. The term 'loss and damage' can refer to permanent loss, or damage that can be repaired – either from extreme weather events like storms or from slow-onset events like sea level rise and desertification.

Scientist are clear about the role of climate change in causing these disasters – and about the fact that it’s the wealthy nations that have caused global warming. That’s why representatives from hard-hit areas are demanding compensation for harms they can now directly link to wealthy countries’ emissions. 

However, this kind of compensation comes with a hefty price tag. Sarah Steffen has more from Glasgow. 

(Report: Sarah Steffen) 

Sarah Steffen Author and editor with a keen interest on underreported crises.