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Cologne Cathedral became a climbing tower

July 11, 2018

Special forces climbed Cologne Cathedral during an exercise. Visible to many tourists, several teams climbed one of the towers of the famous cathedral on Wednesday.

Deutschland Stadt Köln - Kölner Dom
Image: picture-alliance/D. Kalker

The background to the sensational action is a competition that runs until Friday and is organized by the Cologne police.

Deutschland Stadt Köln - Kölner Dom - Übung des SEK
Image: picture alliance/dpa/Polizei NRW

Special task forces from Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and customs are deployed at the so-called Coloniade. It is also about exchanging experiences, improving tactics and practicing the fight against terrorism in outstanding locations.

Deutschland Stadt Köln - Kölner Dom - Übung des SEK
Image: picture alliance/dpa/Polizei NRW

The ascent of the cathedral was one of several stations of the competition, which takes place every two years at different places.

Among the teams were special forces from Bielefeld, Essen, Münster, Munich, Rhineland-Palatinate, Rotterdam and Zurich.

is/ks (dpa)

Deutschland Stadt Köln - Kölner Dom - Übung des SEK
Find the climbers!Image: picture alliance/dpa/R. Vennenbernd