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Birds – Adapting to a Changing World

May 13, 2024

Almost of a third of all birds in the US have disappeared since 1970. That’s just under three billion animals. In Europe, the number has been decimated by around 25 per cent.

Birds – Adapting to a Changing World
Image: Albatross

Climate change and the destruction of natural habitats pose the greatest challenges. Conservation efforts are more urgent than ever.

Birds – Adapting to a Changing World
Flocks of birds: a spectacle in the skyImage: Albatross

Their flying skills, their endurance and their adaptability have always fascinated mankind - birds are astonishing survivalists. New research is giving us thrilling insights into the world of these feathered sky-dwellers. How do they manage to soar kilometers up into the air? How do they cope with those long-haul flights over continents and oceans? And what about the complexity of their sex lives, not to mention their intelligence?

The film explores some of the latest findings about birds by leading scientists. Exciting facts are revealed with the help of modern technology. But the research also sheds light on a darker aspect: many species of birds are threatened with extinction, not least due to urban development.

Broadcasting Hours: 

DW English

WED 22.05.2024 – 01:15 UTC
WED 22.05.2024 – 04:15 UTC
WED 22.05.2024 – 18.15 UTC
THU 23.05.2024 – 09:15 UTC
THU 23.05.2024 – 15:15 UTC
THU 23.05.2024 – 21:15 UTC
FRI 24.05.2024 – 12:15 UTC
SAT 25.05.2024 – 02:15 UTC
SUN 26.05.2024 – 08:15 UTC

Lagos UTC +1 | Cape Town UTC +2 | Nairobi UTC +3
Delhi UTC +5,5 I Bangkok UTC +7 | Hong Kong UTC +8
London UTC +1 | Berlin UTC +2 | Moscow UTC +3
San Francisco UTC -7 | Edmonton UTC -6 | New York UTC -4