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PoliticsGlobal issues

Is the war on terror a lost cause?

September 10, 2021

The 9/11 attacks were the beginning of a new age: the War on Terror. Now that the US has left Afghanistan, is that war over - and is it lost? Guests: Kristin Helberg (freelance journalist), Daniel Gerlach (Zenith) und Tyson Barker (DGAP)

TTP To the Point  Kristin Helberg
Image: DW


Kristin Helberg is a freelance journalist who has reported extensively from the Middle East for German and Swiss media, she says: "With its war on terror, the West has created more terror, empowered corrupt autocrats, abandoned like-minded people, and betrayed its own principles."


TTP To the Point  Daniel Gerlach
Image: DW


Daniel Gerlach is editor in chief with the North Africa and Middle East magazine Zenith. His opinion: "The war on terror has set a precedent. Now many countries are using it to pursue their own interests."


TTP To the Point  Tyson Barker
Image: DW


Tyson Barker is an American political scientist working with the Berlin think tank DGAP. He says: "With the end of Afghanistan and the war on terror, the US is marking the end of the American unipolar chapter. The question is: what comes next?"