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Putin's war: New military leadership to mobilize Russia?

May 16, 2024

Vladimir Putin’s shake-up of military leadership signals his readiness for a long war of attrition in Ukraine, as his forces advance in the northeast with new waves of attacks. Our guests: Nico Lange (Munich Security Conference); Marina Miron (King’s College London); Vladimir Esipov (DW)

To the point Studiogast Esipov, Vladimir
Image: DW



Vladimir Esipov,

author and journalist with DW.



To the point Studiogäste Lange, Nico
Image: DW



Nico Lange,

Military analyst with the Munich Security Conference.



To the point Studiogast Miron, Marina
Image: DW



Marina Miron,

Military analyst from Kings College London (Munich via Skype).





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To the point — International Debate from Berlin

Strong opinions, clear points of view, international agendas. Three journalists join our presenter and go straight to the point on an international issue that’s making news. It’s controversy and confrontation. It’s background and analysis. It’s the issues that are moving our world.